
Current Families

Communication is key.  On this page you will find important information and links for current Our Lady’s Academy Families.  This page will be updated as new information becomes available.  The FACTS link will remain as this is where you will conduct year-round business such as ordering school lunches and making tuition payments.  For students in Grades 3 through 8, this is also where gradebooks are found.  The Calendar will also remain linked here (and elsewhere on the site) so that you may stay up-to-date on events and other timely notices.  The most recent Handbook will also remain linked here.

School/Weather Closing


In the case of inclement weather Our Lady’s Academy follows the “No School” decision of the Waltham Public Schools (if Waltham Public Schools are closed, then Our Lady’s Academy is closed; if Waltham Public Schools has a delayed opening, then the Academy has a delayed opening). Announcements are made on the major radio and television stations and their websites (WBZ, WCRB, WRKO, and Channels 4, 5, and 7) and The Waltham Cable channel. A 2-hour delayed opening means that school starts at 10 a.m. and school buses pick up students on their routes 2 hours later than normal.


Occasionally a delayed opening may be overridden by the Principal, depending on whether the campus can safely accept students after a major storm. Families will receive notification of an override via the emergency phone system.