
Visit Our School

We think the best way to understand how special our school is is for you to visit.  We have a few different ways to do this:

See below for more information on each of these options.


Open Houses

Open Houses are scheduled periodically throughout the school year.  At an Open House you will hear from our Principal, take a tour of our school, and have the opportunity to meet and speak with current parents and students at Our Lady’s Academy.  This is a great way to learn more about what goes on here, and to have many of your questions answered. 


For All Potential Students:

Tuesday, March 18, 2025, 6:00 – 7:00pm (via Zoom)

Click here to join Zoom

Meeting ID: 871 0608 7621
Passcode: 509854




Schedule a Meeting With our Principal

Not able to attend an Open House?  Looking for a more one-on-one opportunity to ask questions?  Feel free to contact our school office and schedule a meeting with our Principal, Chandra Minor.  Meetings are usually arranged during or just after the school day at a time that best fits your needs.  If scheduling allows, you will be given a tour of our school while learning is in progress!


Arrange a Shadow Day

Shadow Days allow potential students to experience a day in the life of an Our Lady’s Academy student.  This is particularly helpful for Middle School students, who often have an opinion on the best learning environment for themselves. 

A Shadow Day begins with the prospective student meeting their “buddy” (a student in the same grade level) at the start of the school day (typically around 8:00am).  The visiting student will go to all of their buddy’s classes and be invited to participate whenever they feel comfortable.  They will have the opportunity to meet teachers, see the layout of the school and maybe make some new friends.  They will be provided a school lunch, or can bring their own.  The student may decide to leave after lunch and recess (12:00 noon for 5th-8th graders) or may stay until the end of the day (2:30pm).

If this sounds like something that may interest your student, please contact the school office to arrange a Shadow Day.